Microsoft, presto in arrivo Windows 7 Answer Forum

Microsoft metterà online, a partire dal 28 di Settembre Windows 7 Answer Forum, offrendo a tutti la possibilità di fare domande e confrontarsi circa il prossimo sistema operativo. 


Il colosso di Redmond, oramai prossimo al rilascio del suo nuovo sistema operativo, previsto per la fine del mese prossimo, comunica in modo ufficiale che, a partire dal 28 Settembre, sarà inaugurato Windows 7 Answer Forum, raggiungibile a questo indirizzo.

L'iniziativa ha il chiaro compito di garantire un supporto preventivo a tutti gli utenti che avranno bisogno di delucidazioni o chiarimenti circa il prossimo sistema operativo sviluppato da Microsoft. Il forum, già presente per Windows Vista, sarà quindi ampliato e offrirà l'opportunità a tutti gli utenti, con la sola limitazione della lingue inglese, di confrontarsi non solo tra di loro, ma anche con membri di Microsoft stessa. La versione multilingue, in cui, si spera, ci sia anche l'italiano, è prevista per il mese di Ottobre. A seguire alcuni dettagli forniti da Microsoft circa l'iniziativa:



Microsoft Answers Q&A

Q - Why is Microsoft Answers being launched?

A – For a long time, Microsoft has leveraged forums to deliver answers to the questions of our IT Pro and Developer customers through forums such as TechNet and MSDN. There was an increasing expectation that Microsoft deliver the same level of community support for customers using our consumer products. Microsoft Answers is our answer to that expectation.


Q - What products will be supported in the future?

A – Microsoft Answers originally only supported Windows Vista. However, on the 28th September (PST) however, the site will begin offering support for questions around Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Live. Launch dates for Microsoft Answers support of other consumer products will be communicated as it is confirmed.


Q – When will support for other languages be available on Microsoft Answers?

A – We anticipate a worldwide release with support in a number of languages in late October 2009. Your MVP Lead will keep you informed with any progress in this regard.


Q - Why should I answer questions in the Microsoft Answers forums rather than any other forums?

A – Microsoft Answers is a new community that we anticipate will grow to be as well utilised by our customers as the TechNet and MSDN forums. This is your chance to be involved from the ground level, and be one of the founding members of what we feel will be a very robust, long-lasting, highly popular online community. In addition to this, we feel that the Microsoft Answers site will enjoy fast growth and a large user base, meaning you can reach potentially a large number of people with your tips, answers and expertise.


Q - Will Microsoft Answers be competing with other existing community forums?

A - Microsoft Answers exists to fill the gap of an ‘official’ Microsoft support community for consumer products. We have long delivered similar support to IT Pros and Developers through the TechNet and MSDN forums, and there is a growing expectation from our customers that we deliver the same support for consumer products – Microsoft Answers is a community forum in the same vein as TechNet and MSDN forums, but focusing on consumer products. We are not looking to ‘compete’ with other consumer support communities – we feel we have a unique value proposition and that there is latent demand for a Microsoft sanctioned community site such as Microsoft Answers. We highly value any community who work to help others find the answers to their questions about Microsoft products.


Fonte: hwupgrade.it

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